What's next on the drawing board? - Born to Decay

Those who follow me on Twitter and Instagram will know that I have been working on a new piece called 'Born To Decay'. You may or may not be wondering what it's all about, so I'll just sum up the project I'll be working on over the next couple of years.

So Born To Decay is going to be part of an extended project surrounding the theme of life cycles. It'll be including various different species of animals and looking into detail their form and structure over the course of their existence. Given the method at which I work has meant that this project will be extensive. Each piece will take anywhere from a few hours to hundreds of hours all composed of thousands of dots. I will however, be incorporating sculpture within this project, which is a very new concept to me and I am really excited to take this new practice on board. I tend to produce - restrict myself - to two dimensional art so journeying into the three-dimensional world is both daunting and extremely exciting. Let's hope it turns out ok.

Some of the creatures I will be considering focusing on is the strange and unusual 17 year lifecycle of the Cicada, the mysterious black snake and the symbiotic Salamander. Now I'd love to hear about all your favourite animal, insect and plant life cycles, so do comment below and share them with me.

For those who haven't seen the progress of the drawing so far I've included some imagery below - those who have I am very sorry for sharing it again. This piece ultimately represents the title of the project and will feature as the poster and cover when complete. Eventually the entire project will be made into a hardback book which you will all be available to purchase. I'll be setting up a kick-starter to raise funds for the book adaptation when I reach over the half way mark. It'll also be on display so you will be able to come on down meet me and check out the final work.

I'm hoping to have it complete by the New Year, but I have a feeling it may take a little while longer, but if you are interested in keeping up with its progress do go and follow me on my social media pages where I'll be sharing regular updates or how it is evolving. Feel free to let me know what you think so far in the comments also. Oh and little reminder, do go check out my previous post 'Wednesdays are all about You' where you can enter to get your very own feature on the blog. Entries close Monday evening.


Please do let me know what you guys would love to hear me to talk about next, perhaps a look into materials, advice on setting up your own etsy shop, perhaps even how to overcome self doubt and keep on making. I'll be touching on all of those subjects in future posts, but of course I welcome early suggestions.

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